While all nonprofits are different and have different goals when it comes to marketing their organizations, running Google Ads can be a large part of an effective marketing strategy—especially when an experienced professional is used for Google Ad Grant management. Here’s why:
The Google Ads Themselves Can Be Run for Free
When your nonprofit qualifies for the Google Ad Grant, the ads themselves are free! In other words, you only have to pay management fees for any ads you run on Google.
Qualifying for the Google Ad Grant isn’t necessarily simple, but if you can get through the process, it can be well worth it. Google will give qualifying nonprofits up to $10,000 in free Google Ads per month!
Google Ads Are Quickly Testable
With digital ads, such as Google Ads, you can know fairly quickly if the ads you are running are effective or not. If they aren’t delivering the results you had hoped for, you can easily pivot your strategy. You can keep making changes to the wording of your ads until you find what works.
A professional Google Ad Grant Management company can help you with your initial ad strategy, as well as make tweaks to it based on results. This can make the money spent on Google Ad Grant management well worth it!
Google Ads Can Make Your Other Marketing Methods More Effective
If you had to identify the one thing that Google Ads do best it would be getting an organization’s name in front of a lot of people who might not otherwise see it, and enticing those people to do something to express interest. In the marketing world, those who take an initial step to show interest are known as “leads,” and it is then the sales team’s responsibility to convert those leads into people who actually make a purchase.
In the nonprofit world, leads can be potential donors, potential clients, or potential volunteers, depending on which type of person you are targeting with your Google Ads. When you increase the number of people who take the initial step to learn more about your organization (by clicking on the ad, which then takes them to your website), you will almost certainly increase the number of people who become more involved with your organization. It’s a numbers game.
Is your organization looking to increase its volunteer base? Running Google Ads targeting individuals who do Google searches related to your nonprofit’s mission can be very effective in attracting large amounts of people to your website. Then, once they’re there, they can learn more about what you do and how they could get involved. Do you have a large fundraising event coming up? Use Google Ads to attract a good number of potential attendees or sponsors. If even a fraction of them end up supporting your event in some way, it can greatly increase the overall success of the event.
A Google Ad Grant management company can help you create ads that will drive people toward your other marketing tools (your website, eBooks, events, etc.), thereby improving the overall effectiveness of your marketing.